Friday, March 21, 2008


1. behind someone's back = when someone is not present.
They were talking about me behind my back.
2. to have no backbone = have a weak character.
3. to have one's back against the wall = be in a difficult position and forced to defend oneself.
John had his back against the wall; he was fired and everyone was against him.
4. to pat oneself on the back = feel pleased with oneself.
This report is excellent, you can certainly pat yourself on the back.
5. to stab someone in the back = be disloyal to somebody.
Don't trust him; he would stab you in the back when you don't expect it.
6. to turn one's back on someone = refuse to help somebody.
7. when one's back is turned = when one can't see or know what others are doing

Exercise Choose the right answer.

1. When he became 18, he............on his Catholic faith.
turned his back / had no backbone /saw the back

2. It was terrible for me! They forced me to resign, I...
pat myself on the back / had my back against the wall / turned my back on them.

3. I should have realized that they would do that...
behind my back / to see the back of it / to pat me on the back.

4. You can't do that to your friend, you...
are patting yourself on the back / are stabbing him in the back / are seeing the back of it.

6. Do you know what your children are doing...
to have your back against the wall /when your back is turned / to stab you in the back?

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